Thursday, March 26, 2020

Chemistry Cat Memes

Chemistry Cat MemesCats have been known to be a favorite pet for many years, and the online community has embraced the chemistry cat meme. Chemists are pleased with the help and tools that cats give them. They also enjoy the way that cats act as helpers and inspiration. There are many types of cat products available on the market today, from clothing to toys, but you can't go wrong with this cat meme.The chemistry cat meme represents the joy of owning cats. People who are cat lovers are happier than those who aren't. Cats are the perfect pets for homes because they provide companionship and, of course, love. Cats are especially popular among women because their sex appeal makes them popular for children, but the chemistry cat meme isn't just about their sexual appeal. There are many things that cats do for us that are incredibly helpful and make our lives much more pleasant.Cats make us feel more relaxed because they don't let us become stressed out and upset all the time. They elimi nate the need for faucets and sinks, which is a good thing for apartment dwellers who live in small spaces. They keep our carpets clean and neat, which is always a bonus. Cats don't bother their owners and they never bite people. If you have cats, you can rest assured that they're good for your health.Cats are known to help relieve headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, ear infections, sinus problems, urinary tract infections, itchy skin, digestive problems, joint pain, yeast infections, depression, arthritis, and cat flu. So a cat can bring you all of these things at once! You could save a lot of money and keep most of your home's belongings if you have a cat.One of the most common ways for people to be able to sleep at night is to lie down with a soft blanket over their face, or a fan or warm blanket. Cats don't mind the heat or the blanket, they just want to snuggle with you! Cats also have special places in their kennels where they can bathe or soak up the water and get very clean .Cats are known to help prevent hair loss, so if you're balding, you don't have to worry. Not only that, but cats are also great for soothing your tummy. A cat will never leave you alone when you have a headache. Even a cut foot can be alleviated by a quick visit to the vet's office, with no pain killers required.Cat lovers have been following the chemistry cat meme since the day that their first cat walked into their lives. Now, we have come full circle to giving everything we've ever wanted in a cat-- affection, love, care, and safety. Cats are loved not only for the sex appeal but for the special qualities that they bring to the world. Everyone should have one, or maybe two!

Friday, March 6, 2020

Enhance Your Writing Way Through Writing Help Available Through E-Learning Courses

Enhance Your Writing Way Through Writing Help Available Through E-Learning Courses For me writing is a great job. It releases lot of tension from your life and helps you to rejuvenate yourself. It can be said as the best way to decrease your stress. You can pen down anything you like. I love to write. Writing is one kind of attaining meditation. When you write for yourself then you can write anything and everything. But when you write for any company which is not about your own views then you have to be very cautious. You just cannot write anything there. If writing is your job then it is necessary that you should keep in mind certain rules and regulations that are set for every writer. When you are a professional writer then it is essential that some of the ways of writing should be followed. Some good tricks make your write up much more interesting and also appealing to the ones who are reading it. Good write ups always take time to get composed. If you have a strong English language base and a nest of good thoughts then you can easily grow up writing some good write ups. If you do not have all these then it becomes a problem as every people cannot take out money for each and every coaching classes. Writing Help- To know better way to write If you want to make your writing perfect and flawless then you have to get into some tuition classes that will help you to enhance your writing skill. There are no such writing classes that are available here, but you will get some e-learning courses where you will get support for writing purpose. Writing Help brings to you nearer to better and improved way of writing. Writing starts off with the small paragraph writings from the school days. Then it changed into essay writing and then report, précis writing and so on. From school level only if you want to increase your writing style then you can come for any of the online learning platform. Online learning is a good and less time consuming way in the recent time. Students can easily enroll themselves and get the most benefit out of the box. Writing can be fun if you get accustomed with the right tactics of it. It can also be easy when you have a good guide by your site. It helps you to grow internally and also helps you to know more about how to write well. Online Writing Tutor- Available at your click away for good write ups Online Writing Tutor is the best way through which you can internally grow and make writing an easy and most loved profession that will help you to earn your living as well. A good teacher will provide you with all the necessary details about how to enhance yourself in the writing job. There are various tricks through which it can be increased. There are various types of writing which a student in his entire span of learning goes through. Some kind of writing is for the academic work. When we are in school we work for increasing the vocabulary so that the essay or letter that we write down is good and gives us good marks for better stand. After school some choose it to be a way of earning and some out of passion write. Book authors mainly start of being the passion and then it turns into their way of learning. Each writing is different from the other. Online teachers make it a point to make the student differentiate between every style of writing and sometimes they introduce them with different styles of writing which they do not know. Teachers have a good grip over the subject that makes any student to attain the most out of these online teaching facilities. The time limit is unlimited making the student to avail the facility of learning all round the clock. The student sitting at their home can avail the facility of learning without moving here and there and what can be better than this. It decreases your work load and also your expense of moving out here and there. With utmost comfort any student will make the most out of it. Writing Tutoring Online- To support you with your vocabulary and many more There are many institutes who help you with such services. They even charge very less and provide good service as well. Parents have to get less charged and thus it becomes easy for any parent also to deal with the charges that are charged. Reputed institutes charge high and some other institutes that are not to reputed provide you with the same service and same facility but charge you with some less bucks. But do not think those institutes to be of cheap quality or the teachers, their teaching to be average level. Everything is same and of good quality, just for middle class convenience the charges are low. TutorPace is one of the good institutes that is slowly gaining recognition and also becoming popular. People involved in this institute are very smart and efficient. The teachers are of good quality and provide you with best services. They detect the weakness of a student and make it a point to work on it to change it into one’s strength. Writing tutoring online is a part of the facilities that the institute provides. Writing was never a fun job until you enrolled yourself in TutorPace. It brings you nearer to success and also it helps you to know how to write well, differentiate between different writing styles and increase your count of vocabulary with very less time. You can enroll yourself and know what are the services and facilities it provides you. For more information you can go and check in their site and this will give you thorough idea about what the institute is and how does it deal with the particular students.

How Graduate Schools Analyze Applications

How Graduate Schools Analyze Applications Graduate schools receive more applications than you could ever imagine. Thats no secret to anyone. So, grad school admissions committees (comprised of counselors, professors and sometimes even students) use a systematic process for filtering applications. When admissions committees see your application, they are trying to answer one question: will this student be successful here and in his/her career? This is the filter most grad schools drag applications through: 1. GPA/GRE screening: Typically, grad schools place a stronger emphasis on research and practical experience than test scores, assuming they are a better predictor of future success. But, to streamline the admissions process, many set minimum GPA/GRE requirements. Some schools may be flexible on their requirements. But, for GPA, top schools may place cutoffs at 3.0+, and at some elite schools, the cutoff may be as high 3.5+. If you dont have those grades, you may not even be considered. Grad schools will analyze GREscores similarly. Top programs will require you to score at least at the 50 percentile mark, meaning you will need a 150+ on The Quantitative Reasoning Section and a 151+ on the Verbal Reasoning Section. Some elite schools may require applicants to score in the top 75th percentile, meaning you will need a 157+ on each section to be considered. Most grad schools will post their average scores online, but remember, those scores are not requirements and students will be accepted with scores below the average. 2. First pass: After you pass through initial screening, admissions committees will glance at your application to quickly determine if you have promise. Here, they want to see practical experience and knowledge outside of GPA/GRE credentials. If you meet the screening credentials but have not had any internships, practical experience or research experience, you may be rejected. 3. In-depth review: This is where committees start comparing students, and it may be the strictest phase. Depending on the school, this could be the last time your application is looked at on paper. In this stage, applicants are evaluated based on everything: GRE, GPA/transcripts, letters of recommendation, essay, research, practical experience, etc. Here, committees are comparing students holistically, trying to determine who has the most motivation and promise and ultimately who will be the most successful at their school. If you are more well-rounded than other students in the applicant pool, you will pass this section. 4. Interview: Not all schools conduct interviews. Some may accept or reject students after the In-depth review phase. You may interview over-the-phone or in-person, either with a group of admissions counselors, faculty members or students or individually with any of those. At this point, you have proven yourself on paper and your school is ready to admit you. Now, schools want to see if you are articulate and motivated. They want to see if you are genuinely interested and enthusiastic about your career, and youre not just cranking out research and experience to make your application look better. They already know youre a well-rounded student, but you need to prove you are a well-rounded individual. 5. Decision: There are a lot of people involved in the admissions process, and they all regroup in this phase to make final decisions. Here, your application and interview session will be compared to all other students. Committees will discuss whether you should be admitted or other students over you. Final decisions will be made as a group and may even be voted on. Again, admissions committees are looking for the students who will be the most successful at their school and during their career. Varsity Tutors's top tier test prep tutorscan help you gain admittance into top schools.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Checkmate Talking About Overcoming Adversity in English

Checkmate Talking About Overcoming Adversity in English Ugandan girl, Phiona Mutesi leads chess revolution from the slums Whenever we read the paper, we generally extract the information we need without being moved by many, if indeed any, of the articles. Today, however, was an exception for me as I was genuinely touched by a piece I read in the UK Guardian newspaper about an Ugandan girl of humble origins who is on her way to becoming one of the finest chess players or Grandmasters in the country.Before we read the article, lets think about some of the issues it raises:Discussion Questions  Have you ever overcome a situation of adversity?Do you think women have achieved full equality with men in the country in which you live?Is there a group in your country you feel are unrepresented and maybe even that their rights are denied? If so, what can be done to improve the situation of this group?Grammar Questions:  In journalism this is called a color piece, meaning that it focuses on descriptions and impressions rather than analysis. As a result, the article in rich in adjectives. See if you can spot ten ex amples.Pick out one example of a comparative adjective and one example of a superlative adjective?What is the  most used tense in this article: Past simple or present simple?Pick out two examples of direct and two examples of indirect speech in the text.Find two synonyms for the word adversary in the text.Ugandan girl, Phiona Mutesi leads chess revolution from the slumsby Xan Rice in KampalaDespite background the 15-year-old girl is already countrys number two player and has competed at World Chess Olympiad.Photo of Phiona Mutesi by Xan Rice for The Guardian. In a rickety church in a Ugandan slum, a girls hand thrusts forward and a black bishop falls. The girl shows no emotion, though she knows the end is near. Striking quickly, silently, the black queen is toppled, and then the king. Only then does she smile.You attacked too much, she tells the boy sitting opposite her on the wooden bench, a homemade board between them.Phiona Mutesi is 15. She has just finished primary school and i s still learning to read. Her family is so poor they have been evicted from tiny, rented shacks more times than she can remember. She is about as far as you could get from the typical chess player in Uganda â€" doctors, bankers, and their children who attend elite schools.Yet Mutesi already has a strong claim to be the best female player in the country. Last September she competed in the World Chess Olympiad in Siberia as Ugandas No 2, the only girl in a team of university students and working women. On her return she triumphed in the richest and most prestigious local tournament, defeating the countrys top-ranked player along the way.So unlikely and swift has been her rise â€" she has had little formal training and plays largely on instinct â€" that some of Ugandas chess officials are now whispering that Mutesi may not be being unrealistic when she says in a soft voice: I want to be grandmaster. That is still a long way off. But it may not be as improbable as the achievements that she and the other children of Katwe slum in Kampala have already achieved.Theyve caused a chess revolution here, says Godfrey Gali, general secretary of the Uganda Chess Federation.Born in 1995 in Katwe, a vast slum where streams of sewage crisscross the dirt paths, Mutesi was three when her father died. Her sister died soon afterwards. Mutesis mother worked hard, rising at 3am to go the market to buy avocados, eggplants and pumpkins to resell, but money was always tight. After one year of primary school Mutesi was forced to drop out, along with her brothers, and sell boiled maize in the slum.They were just a few of many children in Katwe compelled to work rather than learn â€" children that Robert Katende, a 28-year-old Ugandan employed by the US charity Sports Outreach Institute, was trying to help. Realising his football project was not for everyone, Katende decided to teach chess to a few children. Mutesis brother was among them. One day she followed him to Agape church, where t he games took place. She was nine at the time.I had never heard of chess. But I liked how the pieces looked, she says.Mutesi was a quick, determined learner. Every night she practiced against her brothers, a kerosene lamp in their shack illuminating a board borrowed from Katende. Within a year she was regularly beating Coach Robert. He was impressed â€" I could see how she planned many moves ahead â€" but not surprised. Other children in his class had already proved that growing up poor was no hindrance to being a good player, and may even have been an advantage. These kids in the slums are used to thinking How will I get through the day, Katende says. They are survivors, and chess is a game of survival.After initial resistance from the chess federation, which had insisted that the national junior championships were for schoolchildren, but not children from the streets, Katende was allowed to enter a team from Katwe in 2005.For most of the children it was the first time they had lef t the slums.At the tournament they were isolated, and some of the other competitors thought they were dirty, Katenda recalls. In fact they were wearing their best clothes and looking as smart as they could.In 2007, aged 11, Mutesi entered for the first time. Some of her opponents were twice her age. She won the competition. She defended her title the following year. Though tournaments have not been held since, Mutesi and some of her Katwe team-mates were moving on to bigger things. In 2009 she and two boys from Katwe travelled to Juba, in South Sudan, for a regional childrens tournament involving 16 countries. It was the first time she been to an airport, had her own room, or ordered from a menu.She won all her games, and the girls title. The boys were undefeated too; together they won the team prize. That alone was not groundbreaking â€" though a minnow in world terms, Uganda is rated third among the chess-playing countries in sub-Saharan Africa.But the fact that Mutesi and her two team-mates were all from very poor backgrounds, with little or no access to theory, was unprecedented.In Uganda chess has always been seen as a game for the rich, like golf, says Gali. Now the kids from the slums are among the best players in country.At the Olympiad in Siberia Mutesi was trailed by American and Dutch television crews who had been alerted to her remarkable story. She struggled, losing her first four games â€" opponents included the Canadian No 1 and an Egyptian grandmaster â€" before managing a win. Her consolation was meeting her chess hero, Gary Kasparov.I performed badly, but next time will be better, says Mutesi.Signs are good that it will. She was undefeated at the year-end tournament in Kampala, beating most of her Olympiad team-mates, and taking the first prize of £130. Some of it she used to buy hair extensions and some to pay off her school fees. The rest she offered to Katende. He refused it, but helped her to buy four mattresses and a quadruple bunk bed. Now, for the first time, Mutesi and her family dont have to share two flimsy mattresses on her floor.Phiona has become something in the country, from nothing, her mother, Harriet, says.Katende smiles and says: In chess, it does not matter where you come from. Only where you put the pieces.Did you find this article interesting? Feel free to share it on Facebook and Twitter.

Benefits of Active Learning - Private Tutoring

Benefits of Active Learning BobbiM Mar 25, 2014 Whoever said active learning was dumb? Definitely NOT me. Okay, Ive heard from some folks that learning can be boring. Well, thats just because theyre doing it super, hecka wrong. Active learning is the real deal. Why? Well, when you are actively learning you are actually more engaged, interested, and you actually retain the information much better. So, when that big test or standardized exam comes up, you are ready to smack that test right up where the sun dont shine. So, what are the Benefits of active learning, exactly? 1.   Active learning leads to higher grades, increased time to pursue extracurricular and social activities, and most importantly, gained knowledge. 2. Active learners tend to earn higher grade point averages, seek more involvement with their professors, and like to learn new things. 3. And while active learners certainly all dont believe that they are studying simple for the love of learning, they are more apt to find learning new things more of a challenge than a chore or a bore. 4.   Once active learners experience academic success, they want to continue along this path of success. Being successful makes them feel good about themselves, get positive feedback form family, and often influences future goals. Everyone knows that its much easier to continue to use the skills you have acquired if you get positive feedback about how you have applied those skills. Excerpt from College Success Strategies by Sherrie L. Nist and Jodi Patrick Holschuh.

7 Things You Need to Stop Doing If You Want to Be a Successful tutor

7 Things You Need to Stop Doing If You Want to Be a Successful tutor Some mistakes are small and insignificant; others can cost us a lot. Simply avoid these common mistakes in order to be a successful tutor. No one is protected from mistakes. Even famous people are not perfect too. But in some professions: engineering, medicine, teaching â€" mistakes cost a lot. TutorZ  has been working with a lot of tutors for many years and weve found and summarized some tips for tutors to be the best! This article is an attempt to help you avoid these common mistakes. Self-doubt Youll never get a second-third-fourth chance to make the first impression. Any tutor must make a positive impression at the moment when he/she comes to a classroom for the first time. Diffidence and fear wont help you to become a good tutor. In addition, you cant go to the other extreme, putting on a mask of an evil teacher, forbidding everything along with threatening your students. Previously mentioned kind of mask will disappear sooner or later, students will see your real character, and this may cause to the  absence of students respect. There are some tips for tutors to feel more comfortable. Before the lesson, do a little exercise, take a deep breath, raise your head and smile at her reflection in the mirror. Remember that you definitely have enough knowledge to teach people and work with your students and the confidence to be yourself even if the situation confuses you. Dont be late, but if you have no choice, be sure to call and notify the student: for the fact of being late you will not be killed, and this call will leave an impression of a polite person. Unsystematic lessons, the absence of concrete requirements Before the lesson, you need to create a set of common rules for everyone, and later complement it with some rules for the individual student.  For example, I highly recommend students to have a notebook on the first lesson: to write down different recommendations for the homework.  The result of studying should not be done by accident, remember, the result of studying is the product of your and your students work. Students also need to be disciplined: they must always know where their notes and books are to prepare for the lesson.  Therefore, if you do not like textbooks, there if a variety of handout materials, you can advise your students to make a special folder for them. Also, you need to be disciplined. Get yourself a day planner or some semblance of the journal: it will be very useful to save all of your materials, record all of the tasks, errors, and achievements of each student. It is important because it is impossible to keep all this information in mind, especially when you have a lot of work, many students. The absence  of a lesson plan It is a mistake to think that a good knowledge of the subject allows you not to prepare for a lesson. Especially if youre still in the very beginning of your tutoring career. You need to plan what to do in the class and how much time it will take to complete each task. But the plan should not be treated formally. It does not matter how simple you theory and tasks seem,  they should be very carefully studied. You need to think of the possible difficulties of students and ways of overcoming them, the possible answers of the pupils on oral and written assignments. In addition, you should be prepared for the situation when the homework wasnt done by the student. So instead of checking it and starting a new topic, you will have to do something else. Thus, the plan should have several options for the development of the lesson. There is one more reason why you should plan the class: it is unacceptable to interrupt a student in the midst of a job just because you yourself have not calculated how much time it will take. A unified approach to different pupils If you are a young teacher, you could not form extensive teaching library yet, and now its important for you not to be afraid to learn new things. There are different students, different problems, and different goals, so you have to use different textbooks. Take some time to do the search of different useful books, textbooks, and materials. Subsequently, in order to facilitate the search for the right material for the particular topic, you can compile a catalog of available resources. Unwillingness to answer questions Active and interested students are a real gift for any teacher, but sometimes it is hard to work with them. Surprises lurk everywhere: for example, if you teach a foreign language and your students are studying the topic Profession, you may ask who his parents are. But what if his answer will be some rare profession like herbalist.  You might not know the right translation for this word. Foreign language teacher may be faced with the problem of the specific interests of the student beyond his linguistic competence and experience, the difficulties in the translation of a term (aircraft parts, dancing moves). In this case, you can inform the student that you cant know everything and push him/her to self-education. Dont be scared of any questions, feel free to say that you dont know something, try to  find the right answer together. The absence of tolerance and patience while working with the slow students The tutor should have great self-control  because shouting at students never works, even if you really-really want it to. Screaming and swearing scare children, block their thinking processes and form their complexes. Even if you have to explain something twenty-five times in twenty-five different ways before the student will understand that, try to do it in a positive and friendly way. You are a great  tutor if you know twenty-five ways to explain your subject, and even Indian yoga would be jealous of your patience! Inadequate complexity or simplicity of material Maybe it is your first student and you are very excited, you may stay in a certain euphoria from getting new professional knowledge or new status and sincerely want to teach the student everything at once. Such generosity may bring harm, not benefits.  If we are talking about elementary school it is obvious that we cant use difficult or boring tasks. The other mistake â€" to avoid any difficulties of terminology, even when the student obviously needs to know them.  Be sure that you know how to work with different groups of students. 7 Things You Need to Stop Doing If You Want to Be a Successful tutor Some mistakes are small and insignificant; others can cost us a lot. Simply avoid these common mistakes in order to be a successful tutor. No one is protected from mistakes. Even famous people are not perfect too. But in some professions: engineering, medicine, teaching â€" mistakes cost a lot. TutorZ  has been working with a lot of tutors for many years and weve found and summarized some tips for tutors to be the best! This article is an attempt to help you avoid these common mistakes. Self-doubt Youll never get a second-third-fourth chance to make the first impression. Any tutor must make a positive impression at the moment when he/she comes to a classroom for the first time. Diffidence and fear wont help you to become a good tutor. In addition, you cant go to the other extreme, putting on a mask of an evil teacher, forbidding everything along with threatening your students. Previously mentioned kind of mask will disappear sooner or later, students will see your real character, and this may cause to the  absence of students respect. There are some tips for tutors to feel more comfortable. Before the lesson, do a little exercise, take a deep breath, raise your head and smile at her reflection in the mirror. Remember that you definitely have enough knowledge to teach people and work with your students and the confidence to be yourself even if the situation confuses you. Dont be late, but if you have no choice, be sure to call and notify the student: for the fact of being late you will not be killed, and this call will leave an impression of a polite person. Unsystematic lessons, the absence of concrete requirements Before the lesson, you need to create a set of common rules for everyone, and later complement it with some rules for the individual student.  For example, I highly recommend students to have a notebook on the first lesson: to write down different recommendations for the homework.  The result of studying should not be done by accident, remember, the result of studying is the product of your and your students work. Students also need to be disciplined: they must always know where their notes and books are to prepare for the lesson.  Therefore, if you do not like textbooks, there if a variety of handout materials, you can advise your students to make a special folder for them. Also, you need to be disciplined. Get yourself a day planner or some semblance of the journal: it will be very useful to save all of your materials, record all of the tasks, errors, and achievements of each student. It is important because it is impossible to keep all this information in mind, especially when you have a lot of work, many students. The absence  of a lesson plan It is a mistake to think that a good knowledge of the subject allows you not to prepare for a lesson. Especially if youre still in the very beginning of your tutoring career. You need to plan what to do in the class and how much time it will take to complete each task. But the plan should not be treated formally. It does not matter how simple you theory and tasks seem,  they should be very carefully studied. You need to think of the possible difficulties of students and ways of overcoming them, the possible answers of the pupils on oral and written assignments. In addition, you should be prepared for the situation when the homework wasnt done by the student. So instead of checking it and starting a new topic, you will have to do something else. Thus, the plan should have several options for the development of the lesson. There is one more reason why you should plan the class: it is unacceptable to interrupt a student in the midst of a job just because you yourself have not calculated how much time it will take. A unified approach to different pupils If you are a young teacher, you could not form extensive teaching library yet, and now its important for you not to be afraid to learn new things. There are different students, different problems, and different goals, so you have to use different textbooks. Take some time to do the search of different useful books, textbooks, and materials. Subsequently, in order to facilitate the search for the right material for the particular topic, you can compile a catalog of available resources. Unwillingness to answer questions Active and interested students are a real gift for any teacher, but sometimes it is hard to work with them. Surprises lurk everywhere: for example, if you teach a foreign language and your students are studying the topic Profession, you may ask who his parents are. But what if his answer will be some rare profession like herbalist.  You might not know the right translation for this word. Foreign language teacher may be faced with the problem of the specific interests of the student beyond his linguistic competence and experience, the difficulties in the translation of a term (aircraft parts, dancing moves). In this case, you can inform the student that you cant know everything and push him/her to self-education. Dont be scared of any questions, feel free to say that you dont know something, try to  find the right answer together. The absence of tolerance and patience while working with the slow students The tutor should have great self-control  because shouting at students never works, even if you really-really want it to. Screaming and swearing scare children, block their thinking processes and form their complexes. Even if you have to explain something twenty-five times in twenty-five different ways before the student will understand that, try to do it in a positive and friendly way. You are a great  tutor if you know twenty-five ways to explain your subject, and even Indian yoga would be jealous of your patience! Inadequate complexity or simplicity of material Maybe it is your first student and you are very excited, you may stay in a certain euphoria from getting new professional knowledge or new status and sincerely want to teach the student everything at once. Such generosity may bring harm, not benefits.  If we are talking about elementary school it is obvious that we cant use difficult or boring tasks. The other mistake â€" to avoid any difficulties of terminology, even when the student obviously needs to know them.  Be sure that you know how to work with different groups of students.

Students Sleeping Right Are More Alert, More Athletic, And More Beautiful

Students Sleeping Right Are More Alert, More Athletic, And More Beautiful So, youre in college, young and strong, partying late many nights a week only to get up at 7:30 AM to be ready for the first lesson at 8 AM. If this is how you schedule your circadian rhythm then youre like most college students. The surprising fact is bodies in puberty need on average 9.5 hours of sleep. That is about 2 hours more than the average college kid actually sleeps. This massive sleep deprivation results in obesity, lack of learning including athletic skills, often lousy looking skin, amazingly inattentive in morning classes, and, yes, an almost complete inability to wake up come morning. In other words getting sufficient sleep makes you slender, more fit, more alert, more athletic, and more beautiful. And you can achieve all this by implementing a few best-sleeping practices. Eliminate caffeine and alcohol, particularly at night. Don’t exercise or start involving yourself in highly engaging mental tasks near bedtime. Don’t go to bed hungry or after eating a large meal. Eat a light snack before bedtime or drink a glass of warm milk. Tell your bed mate a relaxing bedtime story. Indulge yourself by taking a hot bath. Make the bedroom a place to sleep and not to read or watch TV. Remove all other stimulants from the bedroom, including computer and books. Don’t nap during the day. Try to keep your sleep schedule consistent. Plan regular hours of sleep time every night. If you doubt these facts or have become interested in further information on the subject consult our psychology tutors.

Discount fees to study abroad - Erasmus

Discount fees to study abroad - Erasmus The Minister of State for Universities and Science Mr. David Willets, who was responsible for raising tuition fees to 9,000 per year, has surprisingly announced a substantial discount on tuition fees for those students who spend two or more terms at an overseas university. The UK ranks 25th in the world for the number of students studying abroad, this would perhaps indicate that students prefer to stay at home with fellow English speakers. However, facts reveal that the structure of most UK courses prevent all but language students from spending time abroad. Nevertheless, there are intensive courses available and some universities do offer programmes in English. In an effort to encourage students to study abroad, Mr. Willets said that students will pay no more than 15% of the year's fees at their UK institution if they are staying for less than one full academic year. As many as 3.7 million EU students take part each year in the Erasmus exchange programs, sadly less than 1% are British! If you are starting university this year, now is the time to take advantage of the funding on offer. Although academic knowledge is essential in today's world, businesses look for people that can innovate, work under pressure and not be afraid to challenge and be challenged. An Erasmus exchange is the perfect way to develop these skills. Businesses also value graduates with language skills because they are seen to being more flexible and adaptable which will boost inter-cultural communication skills with clients in other countries. The Erasmus experience will also improve your personal development, your confidence and your enjoyment of life. Living in another country will teach you great life skills too! With summer holidays just around the corner, take the time to think of the positive benefits of doing an Erasmus exchange.

Tutoring Lights Chicago - Helping Students Succeed

Tutoring Lights Chicago - Helping Students SucceedTutoring Lights Chicago is one of the most established and trusted names in the area of tutoring, tutoring products and services. The reputation they have established as an organization that has quality products and services and that provide outstanding service is reason enough to place them at the top of your list. They are a company that understands the financial issues faced by many students trying to achieve their education goals while struggling to pay for their school supplies and other essential school materials.Whether you are having difficulty finding time to help with your school project or even if you are already in school and getting ready to take a test, tutoring Lights Chicago can help you with all of your needs. Your first stop will be the website where you can get the most current information about the various tutoring products and services that are available. There you will find product descriptions, online testimonia ls, reviews and even price ranges that can help you pick the right one for your educational needs.A great deal of people are surprised to learn that there are many tutoring solutions available. Some tutors actually require a fee or a certain amount of money in order to help with their classes. Some offer paid positions, while others only offer free services. Regardless of the type of tutoring service you choose, the next thing you need to do is research your options and find the one that best fits your needs.After you have done a thorough search for your tutoring solutions you will be able to look through the product reviews on the Tutoring Lights Chicago website. This is another place where you will find out what the different tutoring products and services entail and if they can meet your specific needs. Don't forget to look for testimonials, too.Tutoring Lights Chicago offers both tutoring services and tutoring products. There are several tutoring products and services that they offer such as CNA and paraprofessionalplacements. You can even find them offering college placement assistance and tuition assistance. Although there are more types of tutoring products and services available, the ones that they specialize in are the ones that will help you achieve your educational goals.Tutoring Lights Chicago tutors provide their services for both private and public schools. They are able to help a large number of students who want to enroll in schools, but can't afford to do so. They have a number of tutoring colleges and programs that can help you get the training and tutoring needed for any kind of tutoring situation.Tutoring Lights Chicago is one of the top tutoring companies in the area. Whether you need individual tutoring, group tutoring, university and college tutoring or regular tutoring services, you can be sure that they have the resources and the qualified tutors that you need. Visit their website today to find out what they have to offer you.